Success Rates

In the world of apprenticeships there are different success rates to consider, so its good to know which is which when choosing or comparing an apprenticeship provider:

  • The retention of apprentices who are enrolled and take the apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA).
  • The success of apprentices taking exams during the apprenticeship.
  • The success rate of apprentices who attempt their EPA.
  • The number of learners who achieve Pass, Merit, Distinction at EPA.

The Government is concerned with the first measure of success, apprentices enrolled who make it to the end of the apprenticeship and providers are judged on this statistic.

Below: NowSkills Limited EPA Success rates

Below: Nowskills Limited Success Rates 

Below for National Success Rates. Source: FE Week 

If you have further questions about success rates and the quality of our provision please contact us.

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